Spinning plates

Photo May 31, 3 24 31 PM.png
Photo May 31, 3 43 14 PM.png

Being a creative & working for myself means I am always busy. I have to keep a lot of plates spinning in the air and make sure things are going well. I am a one-woman show, but I love the hard work and the fact that I get to choose who I work with on projects. Even though I am just starting out, I have been extremely blessed. God has provided for me in so many ways and I hope and pray that He continues my business throughout the years. 

I have been working on projects for HSU for months now, they have a travel program targeted towards alumni & friends of the University. It's called Traveling Range Riders. I love travel and design, so this project has been second nature for me to work on.

Record Guys is another local business I have been working on, the branding has taken me a while to think on and then create. Sometimes a design cannot be forced out, it has to come to me naturally and feel right for the brand. I explore different looks, feels and colors when starting a design and a lot gets left on the cutting room floor. In todays world where everything is so fast and instant, I believe things that take time are appreciated more in the long-run. 

I am proud to say that I started this business venture with hope for personal & community growth. How can I impact the city I live in positively, how can I help others grow their business and make their hopes and plans come to fruition?

That is my goal to help others succeed, because when we help others we are helping ourselves AND everyone in the community.

If you think of someone who could use my help feel free to mention my name to them, I'd love to have a connection to those I am working with.